Tarantula Hill Brewing Co.
Arryved Insider Program

Are you an Insider?

Powered by Arryved, sign up for FREE to start earning points and to receive exclusive offers! Sign up in-brewery or online. Scroll down to learn more.

How it works

Once you’re signed up you will automatically earn points each time you visit our brewery and have access to exclusive Insider-only offers. If you sign up in-brewery with a credit card, Arryved stores the last 4 digits of the card to automatically add points to your account as soon as you create your tab with that card.

IMPORTANT: If you didn't sign up in-brewery with a credit card, you will need to have your server look you up. If not, you won’t get any points! 😧

How to redeem points/offers

Easy! Applicable points and/or offers will show up when you close your tab.It’ll show your point balance and any items/offers you can redeem. Choose the item you want or skip to keep accumulating.

NOTE: only one offer can be redeemed per visit.

Sign up!

Sign up for free by asking your server when you visit (easiest way) or by clicking the link below. Once you sign up you’ll receive a confirmation email and then you’re all set!

Sign up